Create New World
Add a story excerpt
Stories with excerpt get 100x more reads than ones without Write a short excerpt that will excite your readers and hook them in
Tell us the genre of your story
This information helps us understand more about your story
Help readers find your story
Adding 10 or more tags can help increase discoverability Tags should be a word or concept, reflective of your story’s themes and subgenres
Story licenses
This section is related to the licenses of your story and how others use your story. Please complete it carefully. (It is possible to change it before publishing the story). for choose License click here
Who’s this story for?
This information will not be shown to your readers. Instead, this information will be used to help Lines more easily discover your story.
Rate your story
Check if your story includes explicit or sensitive content. By selecting this, you acknowledge that your story may not be suitable for all readers, and you take responsibility for appropriately categorizing your content.
Write a "what if".
In a few words, explain the change that creates a new story line. For example, what would happen if Albert did not take the shortcut?
Cover story
It is not necessary to send an image at the beginning of writing.